kevinleijh 2016/02/03 00:38:56 0 0
Can you help? I did not receive the email you said? How to upgrade from sc3 ultimate to sc4? thanks
bobbycool 2016/07/24 11:00:36 0 0
I have been patient with the thesaurus access. Even I have bough SpinnerChief4 for about a month, I only use the free thesaurus. I can't access the "Incredible" Cloud Thesaurus...I though this is because of my connection or the server are down, but now I think the it'll never be fixed...I Also try to access the web version, slow process. sometimes it didn't show any synonym.Is this software dead or still alive?
techguy 2016/07/17 09:38:48 0 0
I am getting this message from last 2 days when I Click Register Email.I downloaded the free version of Spinner Chief.They dont have any support # where I can call.Please help. 
[email protected] 2016/07/15 02:47:13 0 0
Operating System:Windows 10Operating System Bit:32bitSoftware Version:freecan't get my api or my serial code!! 
kcollier63 2015/05/01 00:39:09 1 0
To upgrade from the Elite version of Spinner Chief to the Ultimate version, do you have to pay the full $199 or do you get credit for purchasing the elite version?
Noorahamed 2016/07/14 13:27:57 0 0
Recently i,m facing problem to use spinner chief.My spinner chief software can,t login.I,m facing login problem.Any one can help me to solve this problem.
[email protected] 2016/07/10 07:02:56 0 0
Hello,I just got the free Spinner Chief Web Version (I am using Mac) to test a few thing before I decide to buy. I did not get a serial number via email - so I have been cancelling the window. I tried to do a spin and got the message "Network Error". Long story short .... What ever I have tried, I couldn't get it working.Am I doing something wrong, do I need the serial number or is there a software error. ...
nicolos 2016/07/10 23:13:59 0 0
There are so many article spinners/rewriters, why i choose SpinnerChief? There are 3 reasons as follow:FastSpinnerChief 4 can spin/rewrite hundreds of new articles in minutes, it even spin/rewrites one article to 10 new articles in seconds. SpinnerChief is faster than Wordai, Spin Rewriter and The Best Spinner after my test on all of them. ...
felken 2016/07/09 00:31:36 0 0
How do I share a seat of SC4 Ultimate with an assistant on a different computer in a different place?
Matt 2016/07/07 07:50:07 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:9.0.6I just purchased SpinnerChief 4 Ultimate Version today but I can't download any thesaurus inside the software as it always shows the error message: "Temp network problem, please try again later."Is there any way to download the thesaurus files from another source and import them manually?
mrquattro 2016/02/11 06:05:34 0 0
Happy New YearI just bought SpinnerChief 4. I have Macs so I'm using the web version.1. Initially SpinnerChief 4 worked. Now I get "Spin error" every time I attempt to spin an article.I need this to be fixed quickly - I have important projects to complete.2. Please tell me where the instructions/guidance/tutorials/support is. I can see YouTube videos for...
kupa 2015/06/22 10:47:54 0 0
I work on a Mac, so I purchased SpinnerChief for the web version. I have been playing around with it and I keep getting a "Spin Error" anytime I click on "Spin".Two things:1) What would be the best video or sequence of videos to watch to learn how to use SpinnerChief?  I've tried watching a few videos, but because the PC downloadable software looks different from the web version, I'm not sure what translates and what doesn't....
drj888 2016/05/12 15:01:52 0 0
Hi, why am I always getting this spin error?...
Kaya 2016/06/26 08:33:36 0 0
hmcollins 2016/06/28 06:00:18 0 0
I have done a “Superspin” on an article andit did not do a very good job so I decided to add more synonyms inside thebrackets and removed some others that did not make sense. I did make sure thatthe pipes were in place but when I previewed the articles they were showing someof the the spintax (the brackets etc)Ihave done a manual spin (going from word to word picking all the synonyms myselfas I went) but that is  lot of work and doesnot then...
hmcollins 2016/06/28 06:05:30 0 0
1. I'm not sure if there is any way of saving an article that I’vebeen working on so that it's still there when I return to the desktopversion. 2. I don't know how thesaving/exporting etc works so while learning I have been copying and pastingwhat I have done to a word doc and have saved that to my files on my computer.
hmcollins 2016/06/28 07:50:11 0 0
I have found that I can add my own synonymsto my article by typing them in the “input synonyms here” box but I want toknow if they re kept forever in my desktop version as that’s what I’m using, Ihave re-input the same sentence and looked at the available synonyms and the onesI added don’t seem to be there the next time.Have I not added them in the correct way sothat they are added permanently or can I simply not add them...
hmcollins 2016/06/28 07:53:50 1 0
There are a lot of functions withinSpinnerChief that do not seem to be explained within the 7 videos on the forum thatI have watched, are they the only videos available?
hmcollins 2016/06/28 05:47:39 1 0
As there is no specific "Preview" button, is the only way to see a preview of the spunarticles  by pressing the"Spin" button which then brings up a box where you  press spin again? (It then shows 10 tabs forthe default 10 articles that have been created and you can view them separatelythere.)   
0207100 2016/04/27 05:33:47 0 0
I have a document that is using csv import of certain fields, this works and SpinnerChief 4 will insert the fields as expected. It's about 400 rows.I want to perform the spin and have the results from the spin be added or written to a txt file that is csv compliant - meaning i don't want to have to go line item by line item making edits. Ideal when it spins it would create a field for title and a field of all the spun content....
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