I was having a hard time getting into your site on Firefox, switched to Chrome and had no problem. FYI
The first thing that comes up when I loaded the program was for me to choose a Thesaurus file, I have no idea what is best. I assume that whatever I choose I can change later, correct?
A suggestion as to which one to start with would be nice.
Hi all,
I had problems getting the download link too, so here is what worked for me.
[1] Use Google Chrome, not Firefox -- for me, Firefox just went into an endless loop when I tried to follow the email link to this page. Chrome worked for me.
[2] Make sure you are LOGGED IN to the website. When you log in, you should be redirected back to this page.
[3] Now LEFT-CLICK on any of the Share buttons in top-right, under 'Share Topic', NOT right-click, as someone else posted. Share the link, then refresh this page. The download link and serial code should now appear as a new comment by WhiteHatBox, directly underneath the instructions at the top.
This series of steps worked for me, software is downloading as I type this. Hope it helps!
Hey Joeg,
Had the same problem... turned out it was the browser not liking something, so changed browser and share buttons appeared.
Hope this helps,