We offer a large variety of tools which you can use for most purposes, including but not limited to seo and internet marketing. One aspect of creating and maintaining a solid presence on the web is authenticity.

There are countless explanations why you intend to be original, far beyond web marketing purposes, but it also becomes more difficult to be unique online when there are so many competitors which are more likely to express similar messages.

THIS SITE Comparison tool will begin to compare the text across two different pages. The outcomes will let you start to see the Page Title, METATAG info, and typical phrases occurring on the webpages in a side by side analysis. A high “content similarity percentage” isn't a good thing. (You may also use this tool to investigate text in a side by side comparison.)

If you find your previously published content material has been stolen or copied, the great thing to accomplish is collect hard proof (such as proof of ownership, time stamps, etc.) before looking for legal counsel and delivering a DMCA take down letter. Plagiarism and copyright infringement is really a serious offense, and this tool can simply identify if two webpages are identical, or as well similar to both be original.

Please let us know that if you want more functions in this small software, we will listen your suggestion and add them :)