Spinner Chief works for me... Point for point.
I've tested at least six other re-writer/spinners and found Spinner Chief, easy to use, and meets my writing objectives.
New functions added frequently, according to users' requests in the support forum.... And SPINNER CHIEF can MASS SPIN articles within a folder! I can just throw all my articles into one folder and then it will spin ALL the articles in that folder!
A reminder... I also can fully control my own synonym database and that is one of the great features of Spinner Chief!
I would like to suggest that you add a "Dragon Naturally Speaking" dictation function with voice control.
I would like the opportunity to review this BETA software version of Spinner Chief.
~ RJ Ross
Hi there,
I would like to try this product. Have been a member of Spinner Chief since it was launched. Thanks.
Look forward to use this latest addition to the family. Already use SC II, TA pro and article scrapper.