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Dropdown menu list

ReplyThanks 2016/10/25 13:21:38 0 0


Can you explain me how to select values from a dropdown list, been checking the forum but i got no clue. Also watched some videos but im not get any idea on how to do it. I select the control operate mode with On click and next select Set Value but im not able to get the dropdown list values. Is there another way to approach this?

Url to form: https://www.residentadvisor.net/register


2016/10/25 23:00:50
It is difficult to set the dropdown value of this page, I still can't find a solution. Hope someone else knows how to do it.
2016/10/26 03:32:20
You can use keyboard simulate action to select a value of this dropdown box.
Let's ROCK!
2016/10/26 05:58:38

I've solved partially since is using the IP for default location, but if there is another option... not sure if using the keys will work on multi thread.

2016/10/26 12:44:12
I have built a bot for the same site. new Keyboard Emulation will work. And New Keyboard Emulation will also work for multi-threading :)
Fuck BotChief! WhiteHatBox willl steal from you, disable your keys when they don't get their way
2018/02/08 14:31:53

Is there anywhere in the forums where the solution is resolved. Its either dead ends, or send us you module, and then no further solution.

With drop down menus there is a facility within the editor, but no instructions or method to apply

2018/02/08 14:58:55
6 # gazzahall2008 2018/2/8 14:31:53

Is there anywhere in the forums where the solution is resolved. Its either dead ends, or send us you module, and then no further solution.

With drop down menus there is a facility within the editor, but no instructions or method to apply

Sorry for not updating it.

Keystrokes Emulation command can solve it. sample

What is your website link please? let me check it for you.

Did you buy BotChief please? What is your PayPal/payment email account please?

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